Huatai International Securities-Zhangle Global

Huatai International Securities-Zhangle Global

🔥Highest offer in town
Min. Commission Fee US Stocks
Commission Fee HK Stocks
Account Opening Min. Funding
MoneySmart Exclusive

New customers who successfully open an account through MoneySmartwith promo codeMS23and submit reward claim can enjoy the following exclusive rewards! 

Reward 1️⃣: Make the first deposit amounting to HK$10,000 or above, and retaining the fund for 30 days

  • HomePod Mini (valued at HK$749)/ SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds FE (valued at HK$898) / HK$500 Apple Store Gift
    Card/ ParknShop e-voucher

Reward 2️⃣: Official welcome offer up to HK$1,189

  • 1 share of Disney (valued at HK$911) + HK$200 fund cash rebate coupon
  • 1x HK stocks & US stocks $0 commission fee coupon 

Extra reward: HK$688 Cash (delivered by Huatai, cumulative net deposits reached HK$80,000 or above on or before June 30, and the average daily net assets were maintained at HK$80,000 until July 31)

Valid until 30 Jun 2024 - See more details below

Are you eligible?

    • Eligible customers need to successfully open an account and submit the reward claim form via MoneySmart. Otherwise, customers will lose the eligibility to redeem rewards.

What you need to know

  1. Before the application through the MoneySmart, please first
    Turn off ad block
    Clear the cookies
    Don't use "incognito mode"

Claim Form

All Details

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