Best Singapore Travel Insurance 2025

Effective 1st April 2022, Singapore removed all restrictions including pre-department tests and quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers entering the country as a major step to restore the aviation and tourism industries which were heavily affected by the pandemic. Although It is not mandatory for fully vaccinated visitors entering Singapore to purchase travel insurance, choosing to purchase travel insurance going to Singapore with abundant coverage is still as important.


Things to Note about Singapore Travel Insurance Policies

High risk sports coverage

Make sure your travel insurance covers for the high risk sports e.g. skydiving you will be participating in. Some policies only cover climbing up to a certain height so be sure to check the terms and conditions of the relevant sports coverage first beforehand.

Time limits on your Travel Insurance claim

Most insurers will require you to make the claim within 30 days of the occurrence. Given that it will take some time to process your claim, it is wise to submit your claim form as soon as possible.

Travel alert

The Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) System aims to help travellers to have a better understanding of the risks and threats about your personal safety in traveling. If you purchased the travel insurance before the issuance of travel alert, your travel will be covered.

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What should I be aware of when traveling to Singapore?

Effective 1st April 2022, fully vaccinated traveler entering the country is no longer required to take pre-department tests, purchase travel insurance or undergo quarantine. However, restrictions still apply to the unvaccinated aged 13 or above. It is still mandatory for them to be insured for a minimum coverage of S$30,000 per person for any Covid-19 related medical charges.

When should I buy a travel insurance policy when planning a trip to Singapore?

To ensure you enjoy the maximum protection, it is wise to get your travel insurance at the same time when you book your air tickets and accommodation.