【Limited Time Offer】From now until 31 December 2024, new customers who successfully apply for the AEON CARD WAKUWAKU via MoneySmart with the required documents submitted, can exclusively enjoy extra 2,000 SmartPoints and free to redeem HK$200 vouchers (over 20+ brand vouchers including Apple / Klook / HKTVmall etc). Alternatively, you can convert them into HK$133 cash and cash out directly!💰 Click here to explore limitless possibilities (T&C applied)!
【MoneySmart Exclusive Offer: Get 12 Months of Deliveroo Plus Silver Membership and a Cash Voucher for Free】
By December 31, 2024, apply for the Product Name through MoneySmart and submit the rewards redemption form, you can earn an additional 12 months of Deliveroo Plus Silver membership and a cash voucher redemption code (valued at HK$726) within 14 days after the promotion ends! (Limited offer, first come first served, while stocks last)! Terms and conditions apply.
New AEON Customers successfully applied AEON CARD WAKUWAKU through “AEON HK” Mobile App and input the welcome offer code “MSWAKU” to enjoy an extra HK$133 cash rebate (Offer by AEON) and up to 16% cash rebate + HK$400 cash rebate! Enjoy a year-round 6% cash rebate on online spending! Earn 3% cash rebate on purchases in Japan and enjoy waived transaction fees on foreign currency transactions (except charges imposed by Cards Associations)!